
Write together.

Service Design, UI, Web, Branding

A screenshot of Kludd where several users are working on the same document.

Sharing is caring.

When we write, we sometimes benefit from a extra pair of eyes or two. An editor, a publisher, a client or a friend. In Kludd, you write, share and create together. Your script, novel, story, essay or poem.

Try Kludd
A screenshot of Kludd's writing mode on a phone.A screenshot of Kludd's settings on a phone.

Who’s Kludd for

Anyone who writes, really. You don't need all that many tools to do good work. You just need the right tools. We got along fine with only pen and paper and then the typewriter for quite some time, so Kludd just bridges the gap where you can get more people involved, when it's that time.

Until then, writing is as serene as efficient in Kludd as it should be.

Collaborate, anywhere.

Screenplay writers. Novelists. Journalists. Students. Copywriters. Or anyone who writes, really. Together, you elaborate, edit and rewrite whenever and wherever. Or withdraw, work on your edits alone and invite anyone else to help when it's time.

Kludd doesn't care about platforms or devices. Jump straight in, from any device and any location. Work on your own stuff or review and edit something you're already collaborating on. Your library is with you wherever you go.

A person editing a document in Kludd at a cafe.

Non-distraction zone.

The creative direction was founded on a clutter-free design base, where colors where optimized for all environments with the best amount of contrast, custom iconography and a straight forward tone of voice.\n\nGiven Kludd was created from scratch by our own team our starting point was to identify users, work alongside them to understand their needs and define ways to implement that into the product.

Kludd is currently in beta but feel free to try it out yourself:

Try Kludd
Muddled logo.
Examples of colors, icons, and menus in Kludd.
Examples of icons in Kludd.
Examples of notifications in Kludd.
A screenshot of the dark mode in Kludd.A screenshot of the dark mode in Kludd.

Let's create memories together